Les Machines
a RecrEer:
Change by Design?

Els Ceulemans

Master Architectuur
2019 — 2020

Les Machines a Recréer

Lara Schrijver
Sven Verbruggen

Kaatje Lemaire
Seda Masaeva


In this master studio, we entered an invited student competition for the design of the new Golden Generation Arena in Brussels. We offer a new stadium typology, with 16 add-on buildings surrounding the base of the stadium. Along with the design, we developed our own graphical style as a means to strategic storytelling. In the final months, we worked on individual theses to reflect on the first semester.

To create a new stadium typology for the GGA, we focus on five main ambitions. First of all we want to clean up the surrounding park to create urban renewal and improve the existing public space. Secondly we want to create a revenue-based design to ensure financial credibility. Our third ambition is to design a multifunctional stadium. This way the stadium is used all year round and will not be an isolated shell towards the direct environment. The fourth is to split the design into two worlds, creating an iconic front together. And the last ambition is to find opportunities for all the stakeholders involved. We propose a fully functional, modern stadium that answers to all the demands and requirements. We create a stadium with an iconic shell, characterized by sixteen slits which can light up at night and during games. These slits divide the stadium into sixteen smaller units without actually separating them, so the unity of the stadium is guaranteed.

We see an extra opportunity for the city, for the people and for the athletes. By building this stadium with sixteen slits, the city creates a value for a development opportunity; the sixteen slits offer a possibility for sixteen add-on buildings to be attached to it. These add-on buildings could be a combination of private and public investments, generating a revenue of thirteen million euros per building. This money could be reinvested in the stadium or into the surroundings.

More info via our movie on YouTube.


Els Ceulemans